Connect Groups
Change Starts Here!
Plan Your Visit
Want to join us for our weekend services? Find out more about our church and let us know you're coming. We'd love to meet you.
New to Canada
Are you new to Canada? Looking for a place to live? Searching for a job? No matter your need, we're more than happy to assist you.
Celebrate Your Faith
We'd love to connect with you personally if you've recently given your life to Christ or you want to get water baptized. We're here to come alongside you on this journey!
Lets Impact Lives together
If you want to use your gifts and skills to impact lives and communities, we’d love to connect with you! We have summer jobs, intership and volunteer positions available.
Pastoral Care & Counselling
In great times and hard times, we can all use a guide to navigate life. Our ministers would love to pray for you in this season.
The Move Project Jan.2025
Comes 2025, we're turning York Region and beyond upside down with a mega move to deliver 52 life-changing Sunday worship experience in a public facility. Ready?
Prevailing Kids
Our purpose is to help kids develop a personal relationship with God. It’s important to us to provide a fun and safe environment for kids.We have age-appropriate games, worship, bible-based lessons, and prayer for every age group!
Youth Academy
From growing faith, to life-skill, to personal development, to career choice, and future plan, join the community of learners at the Youth Academy.
Personal Discipleship Mentoring
We offer one-on-one mentoring program to help you discern God's leading for your life, so that you can become a fully devoted followers of Christ.